"ONLY CHANGE IS CONSTANT" and so the cliche goes. But on hindsight,
it has never gotten out of any context.
But no matter what 'change' means to different people, one thing for sure, people changes with time. Sudden acquisition of wealth, status, personal or emotional are all but agents for change, positively or otherwise.
And so, the meaning of meanings evolved symbiotically as well.
For example, the meaning of 'SHARING', in the true conventional meaning was to share fairly between one 2 or more people in any given circumstance, more so referred to in business ventures.
But with time moving at the speed of light, so does people's definition of the word 'SHARING'. It has now meant to be "I take everything".
In business, the term 'DELAYED GRATIFICATION' has also gone to the dogs. Every one seems to want to make their millions NOW. Not tomorrow. Not day after.
And "MEANS JUSTIFIES THE ENDS" seems to be the right thing to do. What ever happens to others is no longer a matter of moral concern.
Well, to all my friends out there, I wish to remain the same me as far as values are concerned. Relationship, loyalty, hard work is still very much in vogue with this kampung boy. But, Donald Trump happens to say the same in his book 'THINK BIG AND KICK ASS'. Thank you, sir, Mr Trump. At least I know I am on the right track in living my life - business or other wise.
And yes, I do see certain things that some of you might overlook simply because you guys are just zapping through time in your conquest for your Everest of Wealth.
And I want to live a peaceful life still with my own set of meanings. I might not subscribe to your evolution of meanings, but at least I am well posted.
My recent trip to Kuching, Sibu and Miri as usual has always been a journey of re-discovery of people I thought of as friends for so long. Well, that is life. Sometimes it still hurts, but just a little.
Yours truly,
The Kampung Boy,